Smolensk Mother of God traditional Russian Orthodox Icon. Sizes: #T6 - S (2½" x 3" on ½" wood). #620 - M (3½" x 4" on ⅝" wood). #934 - ML (5" x 6¼" on ¾"...
Seven Lakes Mother of God (new version). Russian Orthodox Icon. Sizes: #46 - S (2½" x 3" on ½" wood). #798 - M (3½" x 4" on ⅝" wood). #A809 - ML (5" x...
Smolensk Mother of God with Saints. Russian Orthodox Icon. Size: #1019 - L (6¾" x 8¼" on ¾" wood). Icons manufactured by a Russian supplier using their proprietary process of applying successive...