Genesis, Creation, and Early Man. The Orthodox Christian Vision. By Fr. Seraphim Rose. New 3rd Edition.   Hardcover, 1212 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 3rd Edition, 2024. Size: 6 1/4" x 9...
The Threshold. Trials at the crossroads of eternity. By Ignatius Brianchaninov, The Collected Works of St Ignatius Brianchaninov, Volume 3. Softcover, 286 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 1st Edition, 2023. Size: 6"...
A Gathering of Spiritual Riches. By Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. Softcover, 522 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications - Printshop of Saint Job of Pochaev, 1st Edition, 2023. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN:...
Akathist to the Mother of God "Queen of All" Pantanassa, Healer of Cancer. 4th Printing. Stapled Softcover, 28 pages. Publisher: St. Paisius Monastery, 4th Printing, Reprinted with another new cover, 2023. Size:...
102 Orthodox Saints. By Sarah Wright and Alexandra Schmalzbach. Illustrated by Nicholas Malara.
Hardcover, 121 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2024. 9 3/4" x 11 1/4"  ISBN: 9781955890489
The Lotus Cross: Orthodox Christianity in China and the Diaspora. Edited by Mother Nectaria McLees.
Softcover, 183 pages. Publisher: St. Nicholas Press, 1st Edition, 2024. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9781635511185
Stubborn Love, A Story of Saint Maria of Paris, by Rheta Thola, Illustrated by Mike Stonelake.
Softcover, 128 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing.  Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9781955890724
A Child's Guide to Vespers. Illustrated by Megan Elizabeth Gilbert.
Softcover, 107 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2024. Size: 4 3/4" x 6"  ISBN: 9781955890656
Saint Herman Calendar 2025. Orthodox Saints of Wales. Dates according to the Church (Julian) Calendar.
Stapled Softcover, 120 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 2024. Size: 8 1/4" x 10 3/4" Â
God's Gifts, Theology of the Gift and the Gift of Theology. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 404 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. 2024. Size: 5 1/2" x 8"...
Youth of the Apocalypse and the Last True Rebellion. by Justin Marler. Softcover, 185 pages. Publisher: Big White Star, 2nd Edition, 2024. Size: 6" x 9" ISBN: 9798218391027 Customers in UK, Australia and...
Priest and High Priest, By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis. All about Priests and Bishops and their purpose, duties, and life in the Church. Softcover, 203 pages. Publisher: Archangels Publications, 1st English Edition,...
I Was Afraid! By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis. The miracle of Creation.
Softcover, 103 pages.  Publisher: Archangels Publications, 1st English Edition, 2024.  Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9798856875606
Meeting With the Lord! By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis. History and detailed explanation of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Softcover, 147 pages.  Publisher: Archangels Publications, 1st English Edition, 2024.  Size: 6" x...
Epistles Sundays and Feasts. Translation, Teachings and Commentaries. By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis. Translated from the Greek by Fr. Nicholas Palis. Homilies on the Epistles for each Sunday and Feast Day...
A Sweet-Scented Journey. Monastic Wisdom for Today. By Father Dionysios Tampakis. Monks and Elders from Mount Athos offer a variety of spiritual advice. Softcover. Publisher: Newrome Press, 2024. Size: 6 3/4" x...
Saints Among Us. By Myrsine Vingopoulos. Illustrations by Angeliki Deleha. Translated by Anthony Ladas. Group of teenage friends encounter a possible fool-for-christ and learn about Saint Arsenios the Cappadocian and...
Delightful Grace Volume 1. By Anna Iakovou. Illustrations by Angeliki Deleha. Translated by Sister Rafailia Kaparelis. Eleven short tales about Saints, miracles, and answered prayers. Hardcover. Publisher: Newrome Press, 2024. Size: 7...
A Treasury of the Holy Hierarch & Wonder-Worker Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod. A Compilation Translated from Various Sources. Containing His Life, Glorification, Holy and Memorable Objects, as Well as Select...
Friends of Christ. Volume 8. August. Text by Demitrios and Anna Fotopoulos. Illustrations by Paraskevi Hatzithanasi. Five Lives of Saints for Children: Seven Youths Martyred in Ephesus, Saints Varnavas and...
Friends of Christ. Volume 7. July. Text by Demitrios and Anna Fotopoulos. Illustrations by Paraskevi Hatzithanasi. Five Lives of Saints for Children: Saints Kyrikos and Julitta, Saint Christina the Great...
Friends of Christ. Volume 6. June. Text by Demitrios and Anna Fotopoulos. Illustrations by Paraskevi Hatzithanasi. Five Lives of Saints for Children: Venerable Peter the Athonite, Fevronia the Venerable Martyr,...
Friends of Christ. Volume 5. May. Text by Demitrios and Anna Fotopoulos. Illustrations by Paraskevi Hatzithanasi. Five Lives of Saints for Children: Saints Timothy and Mavros, Saint Ahmet the Neomartyr,...
Roads Less Traveled. Journeys to Orthodoxy. V. Rev. David Fontes, General Editor.
Softcover, 210 pages. Publisher: Monastery of St. John of SF, 1st Edition, 2023. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9780986401114
Every Sigh Can Be A Prayer. Elder Arsenie Papacioc.Â
Softcover, 176 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 1st Edition, 2023. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9780938635178
Akathist to Jesus Christ For a Loved One who has Fallen Asleep.
Stapled Softcover, 36 pages. Publisher: St. Paisius Monastery, 4th Printing, with revisions, 2022. Size: 4 3/4" x 6 1/2"Â
Akathist to the Guardian Angel Who Keepeth Unceasing Watch Over One's Life.
Stapled Softcover, 40 pages. Size: St. Paisius Monastery, 4th Printing, 2023. Size: 4 3/4" x 6 1/2" Â
Great Art Thou, O Lord! The Life and Preaching of St. Gabriel (Urgebadze), Confessor and Fool for Christ. Softcover, 214 pages. Publisher: St. Innocent Press, 1st Edition, 2023. Size: 5 1/2" x...
Expanding the Limits of the Heart. By Metropolitan Ambrose (Ermakov) of Tver. The three major themes of this book include: Meditations on education, The Journey of Lent, and The Life...
The Ascetic of Love, Mother Gavrilia. 10th February 1897 - 20th March 1992. By Nun Gavrilia. Translated by Helen Anthony. Please note: This limited print run of new books has some...
The Virgin Mary in Holy Icons and Stories. By Athanasia Papademetriou. 79 full color icon prints, and the stories and histories of each icon. Includes icons from Greece, Russia, the Holy...
Patristic and Scholastic Theology in Perspective. Based on the Spoken Teaching of Father John Romanides. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 569 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery. 1st Edition, 2023. Size:...
The Departure of the Soul. According to the Teaching of the Orthodox Church. A Patristic Anthology. Reader's Edition.Â
Softcover, 264 pages. Publisher: St. Anthonys Monastery, 2nd Printing, 2020. Size: 5 3/8" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9781945699405
Apostle Andrew his Life and His Miracles. By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis. Translated by Eleana Psylla.
Softcover, 93 pages.  Publisher: Archangels Publications, 1st English Edition, 2023.  Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9798393589066
Little and Great Holy Water. By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis.
Softcover, 79 pages.  Publisher: Archangels Publications, 1st English Edition, 2023.  Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9798395779298
Confession. By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis. Translated from the Greek by Athanasios Rapanos.
Softcover, 95 pages.  Publisher: Archangels Publications, 2nd English Edition, Revised 2021.  Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9798466371895
A Chronicle of the Beginning. From the Creation of the World to the Exodus. By Priest Daniel Sysoev. Softcover, 489 pages. Publisher: Daniel Sysoev Inc., New Jersey, 2023. Size: 6" x 8 3/4"...
A Children's Catechism. The Most Important Thing About the Orthodox Faith. By Priest George Maximov. Published by Daniel Sysoev Inc. Stapled Softcover, 63 pages. Publisher: Daniel Sysoev Inc, 2023. Size: 4 1/2" x 6...
Time to Act. Theological studies and spiritual instruction. First published in the Greek language thirty years ago. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 332 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. Size:...
St Kallinikos, Metropolitan of Edessa, Pella and Almopia. His life, sufferings and holy death. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 424 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. Size: 5 1/2" x...
A Boy's Journey to Sainthood. St. Porphyrios Kafsokalivia. By Anna Iakovou. Illustrations by Konstantinos Dimitrelos.Â
Hardcover. Publisher: Newrome Press, 2022. Size: 8 3/4" x 11 1/4"  ISBN: 9781957662046
Friends of Christ. Volume 4. April. Text by Demitrios and Anna Fotopoulos. Illustrations by Paraskevi Hatzithanasi. Five Lives of Saints for Children: St. Mary of Egypt, St. Michael Vourliotis the...
Friends of Christ. Volume 9. September. Text by Demitrios and Anna Fotopoulos. Illustrations by Paraskevi Hatzithanasi. Five Lives of Saints for Children: St. Mamas, St. Efrosynos the Cook, St. Cornelios...
Friends of Christ. Volume 12. December. Text by Demitrios and Anna Fotopoulos. Illustrations by Paraskevi Hatzithanasi. Five Lives of Saints for Children: St. Filaretos (Philaret) the Merciful, St Nicholas the...
From Ashes and Ruin. Selections From the Writings of St. Gennadios Scholarios (15th Century Patriarch of Constantinople). Translated by Rev. Dr. John Palmer. A few of the many subjects in this book:...
Islands of the Ocean. Stories from the lives of Celtic Saints. By Constantine Ganotis and Katerina Kormali. Illustrations by Eva Karantinou. Hardcover. 62 pages. Publisher: Newrome Press, 2022. Size: 8 1/2" x 11...