Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. By Father Seraphim Rose.
Softcover, 256 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 15th Printing, 5th Edition, May 2024. Size: 5 1/4" x 8 1/4"  ISBN: 088790400X
Empirical Dogmatics of the Orthodox Catholic Church. According to the Spoken Teaching of Father John Romanides. Volume 1. Dogma - Ethics - Revelation. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 327...
Spirit, Soul, and Body. How to Inherit Eternal Life, Volume 7. By Priest Daniel Sysoev. Translated by Priest Nathan Williams. Stapled Softcover, 57 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, Daniel Sysoev Inc, New Jersey,...
Empirical Dogmatics of the Orthodox Catholic Church. According to the Spoken Teaching of Father John Romanides. Volume 2. Holy Trinity - Creation - Fall - Incarnation - Church - Life...
Patristic and Scholastic Theology in Perspective. Based on the Spoken Teaching of Father John Romanides. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 569 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery. 1st Edition, 2023. Size:...
The Divine Names. How to Inherit Eternal Life, Volume 2. By Priest Daniel Sysoev. Translated by Priest Nathan Williams. Stapled Softcover, 42 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, Daniel Sysoev Inc, New Jersey, 2018. Size:...
The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God. By St. John Maximovitch.
Softcover, 87 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 9th Printing, 2022. Size: 5 1/4" x 8 1/4"  ISBN: 9781887904261
Time to Act. Theological studies and spiritual instruction. First published in the Greek language thirty years ago. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 332 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. Size:...
Genesis, Creation, and Early Man. The Orthodox Christian Vision. By Fr. Seraphim Rose. Very Rare Out of Print used 2nd (revised and expanded) Edition. Copy is in very good condition....
Orthodox Spirituality. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos.
Softcover, 101 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. Size: 4 3/4" x 7 1/2"  ISBN: 9789607070203
The Feasts of the Lord. An introduction to the twelve Feasts and Orthodox Christology. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 396 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. Size: 6" x 8...
God's Gifts, Theology of the Gift and the Gift of Theology. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 404 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. 2024. Size: 5 1/2" x 8"...
The Person in the Orthodox Tradition. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos.
Softcover, 349 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. Size: 5 1/2" x 8"  ISBN: 9786185269319
The Mind of the Orthodox Church. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos.
Softcover, 247 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. Size: 5 1/2" x 8"  ISBN: 9786185269050
Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. By Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky.
Softcover, 436 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 3rd Edition, 8th Printing, 2024. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9780938635697
The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church. By Father Seraphim Rose. Includes a service to Blessed Augustine commissioned by St. John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco. Softcover,...
Our Father. By Alexander Schmemann. Commentary on the Lord's Prayer compiled from a series of broadcasts made by Fr Alexander Schmemann on Radio Liberty to listeners in the former Soviet Union....
Time and Man. By Georgios I. Mantzaridis.
Softcover, 113 pages. Publisher: St. Tikhon's Press, 2nd Printing, 2014. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 978-0-9884574-9-2
Light Invisible. Satisfying the Thirst for Happiness. By M. V. Lodyzhenskii. Includes a comparison study of the mysticism of St. Seraphim of Sarov and the Eastern Orthodox Tradition, versus the mysticism...
In the Image and Likeness of God. By Vladimir Lossky.
Softcover, 232 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st Printed in 1974. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9780913836132
What God Has Done For Our Salvation. By St. Nikodim of the Holy Mountain.
Softcover, 95 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications - Holy Trinity Monastery, 2006. Size: 5 1/4" x 8"  ISBN: 9780884651383
Being as Communion. Studies in Personhood and the Church. By John D. Zizioulas. Foreward by John Meyendorff. Softcover, 269 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st printed in 1985. Size: 5 1/2" x 8...
Theology and the Church. By Dumitru Staniloae.
Softcover, 240 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st Printed in 1980. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9780881418613
On the Tree of the Cross. Georges Florovsky and the Patristic Doctrine of Atonement. Edited by Matthew Baker, Seraphim Danckaert, and Nicholas Marinides. Softcover, 165 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publiscations, 1st...
I love therefore I am. The Theological Legacy of Archimandrite Sophrony. By Nicholas V. Sakharov.
Softcover, 253 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 2002. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9780881414554
The Orthodox Church in the World. Talks and Discussions in Cyprus, Russia, Romania and Georgia. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 435 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery. Size: 5 1/2" x...
Orthodox Readings of Augustine. Edited by Aristotle Papanikolaou and George E. Demacopoulos.
Softcover, 314 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st Printed, 2008. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" ISBN: 9780881413274
Person to Person. The Orthodox Understanding of Human Nature. By Harry Boosalis.
Softcover, 133 pages. Publisher: St. Tikhon's Press, 1st Edition, 2018. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 978-1-7328522-0-4
Taught by God. An Introduction to Orthodox Theology. By Harry Boosalis.
Softbound, 138 pages. Publisher: St. Tikhon's Press, 1st Edition, 2010. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 978-1-878997-87-6
Remember the Days of Old. Orthodox Thinking on the Patristic Heritage. By Augustine Casiday.
Softcover, 198 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st Printing, 2014. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9780881414912
Notes on Ecumenism. By St. Abba Justin Popovich.
Stapled Softcover, 56 pages. Publisher: Sebastian Press, 1st Edition, 2013. Size: 6" x 9" ISBN: 978-1-936773-12-1
The Freedom of Morality. By Christos Yannaras. Translated from the Greek by Elizabeth Briere. Foreward by Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia. Softcover, 278 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st Printed in 1984. Size: 5...
Ecclesial Being. Contributions to Theological Dialogue. By Constantine B. Scouteris. Edited by Christopher Veniamin.
Softcover, 179 pages. Publisher: Mount Thabor Publishing, 2nd Printing, 2006. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 978-0-9774983-1-4
Communion and Intercommunion. By Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia. New copy. Clean white pages. No writing, underlining, or highlighting. Book is out of print. Softcover, 94 pages. Publisher: Light and Life Publications,...
Christ The Alpha and Omega. By Bishop Athanasius Yevtich.
Softcover, 256 pages. Publisher: Sebastian Press, 1st Edition, 2007. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 978-0-9719505-2-8