The Age of Bede. Selection of writings from the sixth and seventh centuries AD provides a powerful insight into the early history of the Christian church in England and Ireland....
The Egyptian Desert in the Irish Bogs. The Byzantine Character of Early Celtic Monasticism. By Father Gregory Telepneff. Softcover, 90 pages. Publisher: CTOS, 2nd Edition, 2001. Size: 5 1/4" x 8 1/4"...
The History of the Kings of Britain. By Geoffrey of Monmouth.
Paperback, 373 pages. Publisher: Penguin Classics. Size: 5" x 7 3/4"  ISBN: 978-0-14-044170-3
I, Patricius. The Roman History of an Irish Saint (Patrick). By Patricia Colling Egan. This is a companion volume to Two Epistles of St. Patrick the Bishop, also by Patricia Colling...
The Life of Saint Columba of Iona. By Saint Adamnan of Iona. Translated by W. Reeves, amended.
Softcover, 151 pages. Publisher: St. Anthonys Monastery, 2019. Size: 5 3/8" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9781945699368
Life of St Columba. By Adomnan of Iona.
Paperback, 406 pages. Publisher: Penguin Books, first published in 1995. Size: 5" x 7 3/4"  ISBN: 9780140444629
Saint Columba his Life and Legacy. By Brian Lacey. Rare 1st Edition used book. Bent front cover edge (see 3rd picture). Pages clean. No highlighting, writing or underlining. Binding tight...
Saints of England's Golden Age. Compiled by Vladimir Moss.
Softcover, 270 pages. Publisher: CTOS, 1st Edition, 1997. Size: 5 1/4" x 8 1/4"  ISBN: 0-911165-27-4
Two Epistles of St. Patrick the Bishop. Translation and Notes by Patricia Colling Egan. This is a companion volume to I, Patricius, The Roman History of an Irish Saint, also by Patricia Colling...
The Works of St Patrick; St Secundinus, Hymn on St. Patrick.
Hardcover, 121 pages. Publisher: Paulist Press, 1st Printed in 1953. Size: 5 5/8" x 8 3/4"  ISBN: 0809102547