Orthodox Word 274 Sep-Oct 2010

Orthodox Word 274 September-October 2010 Vol. 46, No. 5

Archimandrite Nathaniel of the Pskov Caves Monastery. Compiled by the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (pp. 208-209).

I. A Biographical Sketch (pp. 210-213).

II. "Mean Old Father Nathaniel." By Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) (pp. 213-228.)

III. Recollections by Fr. Nathaniel's Spiritual Children (pp. 229-230).

Builder of the Inner Life: Schema-abbess Tamar and the St. Seraphim-Znamensky Skete, part II. By Bishop Arsenius (Zhadanovsky) (pp. 231-254).

Front cover: Archimandrite Nathaniel (Pospelov) of Pskov Caves Monastery. Photograph by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov).

Staple bound, 47 pages. 
Publisher: St. Herman Press, 2010. 
Size: 6" x 8 1/2"  
ISSN: 0030-5839


Orthodox Word 274 Sep-Oct 2010

Orthodox Word 274 Sep-Oct 2010

Orthodox Word 274 Sep-Oct 2010


Orthodox Word 274 September-October 2010 Vol. 46, No. 5

Archimandrite Nathaniel of the Pskov Caves Monastery. Compiled by the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (pp. 208-209).

I. A Biographical Sketch (pp. 210-213).

II. "Mean Old Father Nathaniel." By Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) (pp. 213-228.)

III. Recollections by Fr. Nathaniel's Spiritual Children (pp. 229-230).

Builder of the Inner Life: Schema-abbess Tamar and the St. Seraphim-Znamensky Skete, part II. By Bishop Arsenius (Zhadanovsky) (pp. 231-254).

Front cover: Archimandrite Nathaniel (Pospelov) of Pskov Caves Monastery. Photograph by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov).

Staple bound, 47 pages. 
Publisher: St. Herman Press, 2010. 
Size: 6" x 8 1/2"  
ISSN: 0030-5839