Orthodox Word 179 Nov-Dec 1994 RARE

Orthodox Word 179 November-December 1994 Vol. 30, No. 6

(Rare, Out of Print)

On the Bicentennial of Orthodoxy in America: Response to Not of This World: (pp. 300-303).

 "Life in the Modern Desert": A Review of Not of This World. By Owen (Seraphim) Jones (pp. 304-311).

Not of This World Student Essay Contest. By Marie Rodier (pp. 312-314).

First Prize Winner: "The Struggling Pilgrim." By Timothy Crutcher (pp. 315-320).

Second Prize Winner: "Maranatha!" By Jamey Toner (pp. 321-326).

Third Prize Winner: "A Warrior of the Spirit for Modern Times." By Matthew Sherry (pp. 327-333).

Letters of Fr. Seraphim Rose (pp. 334-354).

The Fr. Seraphim Rose Foundation (pp. 355-357).

Help Send Fr. Seraphim to Russia (pp. 358-359).

"Not of This World" Bookstore Opens [actually September 2, 1994, not October 2, 1994] (p. 360).

The Orthodox Word Index for 1994 (pp. 361-364).

Front cover:  Fr. Seraphim serving Divine Liturgy during Bright Week on the spot where he is now buried.

Staple bound, 48 pages. 
Publisher: St. Herman Press, 1994. 
Size: 6" x 8 1/2"  
ISSN: 0030-5839


Orthodox Word 179 Nov-Dec 1994 RARE

Orthodox Word 179 Nov-Dec 1994 RARE

Orthodox Word 179 Nov-Dec 1994 RARE


Orthodox Word 179 November-December 1994 Vol. 30, No. 6

(Rare, Out of Print)

On the Bicentennial of Orthodoxy in America: Response to Not of This World: (pp. 300-303).

 "Life in the Modern Desert": A Review of Not of This World. By Owen (Seraphim) Jones (pp. 304-311).

Not of This World Student Essay Contest. By Marie Rodier (pp. 312-314).

First Prize Winner: "The Struggling Pilgrim." By Timothy Crutcher (pp. 315-320).

Second Prize Winner: "Maranatha!" By Jamey Toner (pp. 321-326).

Third Prize Winner: "A Warrior of the Spirit for Modern Times." By Matthew Sherry (pp. 327-333).

Letters of Fr. Seraphim Rose (pp. 334-354).

The Fr. Seraphim Rose Foundation (pp. 355-357).

Help Send Fr. Seraphim to Russia (pp. 358-359).

"Not of This World" Bookstore Opens [actually September 2, 1994, not October 2, 1994] (p. 360).

The Orthodox Word Index for 1994 (pp. 361-364).

Front cover:  Fr. Seraphim serving Divine Liturgy during Bright Week on the spot where he is now buried.

Staple bound, 48 pages. 
Publisher: St. Herman Press, 1994. 
Size: 6" x 8 1/2"  
ISSN: 0030-5839