Mysteries on Sunday Gospels

Mysteries on Sunday Gospels. By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis. Translated from the Greek by Sofia Kougianou. Homilies on each Sunday Gospel of the Church Year written by a contemporary Greek spiritual father.

Softcover, 449 pages.  
Publisher: Archangels Publications, 1st English Edition, 2022.  
Size: 6" x 9" x 1" thick 
ISBN: 9798376155806

Mysteries on Sunday Gospels

Mysteries on Sunday Gospels Mysteries on Sunday Gospels
Mysteries on Sunday Gospels Mysteries on Sunday Gospels

Mysteries on Sunday Gospels


Mysteries on Sunday Gospels. By Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis. Translated from the Greek by Sofia Kougianou. Homilies on each Sunday Gospel of the Church Year written by a contemporary Greek spiritual father.

Softcover, 449 pages.  
Publisher: Archangels Publications, 1st English Edition, 2022.  
Size: 6" x 9" x 1" thick 
ISBN: 9798376155806