Tertullian. Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage: To His Wife, An Exhortation to Chastity, Monogamy.
Hardcover, 196 pages. Publisher: Paulist Press, 1st Printed in 1951. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 3/4" ISBN: 9780809101498
The Rest of the Bible. A Guide to the Old Testament of the Early Church. By Theron Mathis. Softcover, 133 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing - Conciliar Press, 1st Edition, 2011. Size:...
The Seer. The Life of the Prophet Samuel and its Relevance Today. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 305 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery. Size: 6 5/8" x 9 1/4"...
Theology and the Church. By Dumitru Staniloae.
Softcover, 240 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st Printed in 1980. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" ISBN: 9780881418613
Theosis, The True Purpose of Human Life. By Archimandrite George Kapsanis. Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Gregoriou, Mount Athos. Softcover, 70 pages. Publisher: Holy Monastery of Saint Gregoriou, Mount Athos,...
Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells. By Matthew Gallatin. Softcover, 189 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing - Conciliar Press, New Printing of 2002 Edition. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"...
Thirty Steps to Heaven. The Ladder of Divine Ascent for All Walks of Life. By Vassilios Papavassiliou.
Softcover, 249 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2013. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" ISBN: 9781936270897
Thou Hast Proved Me, O God. The Life of Hieromonk Vasily of Optina.
Softcover, 191 pages. Publisher: CSB Publishing, 1st Edition, 2009. Size: 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" ISBN: 9780916700584
Thoughts for Each Day of the Year. According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God. By St. Theophan the Recluse. Softcover, 307 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 4th Printing,...
Three Byzantine Saints. Contemporary Biographies of St. Daniel the Stylite, St. Theodore of Sykeon, and St. John the Almsgiver. Translated from the Greek by Elizabeth Dawes and Norman H. Baynes....
The Three Day Pascha. Poetry by Mother Melania. Illustrations by Bonnie Gillis. Combines Great and Holy Friday, Great and Holy Saturday, and Pascha The Feast of Feasts in one 72...
The Three Holy Youths in the Furnace. Old Testament Stories for Children. By Mother Melania. Illustrations by Bonnie Gillis. Ages Preschool and Up. Softcover, 24 pages. Publisher: Holy Assumption Monastery. Size: 8...
The Threshold. Trials at the crossroads of eternity. By Ignatius Brianchaninov, The Collected Works of St Ignatius Brianchaninov, Volume 3. Softcover, 286 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 1st Edition, 2023. Size: 6"...
Time and Man. By Georgios I. Mantzaridis.
Softcover, 113 pages. Publisher: St. Tikhon's Press, 2nd Printing, 2014. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" ISBN: 978-0-9884574-9-2
Time to Act. Theological studies and spiritual instruction. First published in the Greek language thirty years ago. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. Softcover, 332 pages. Publisher: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia. Size:...
To Marry or Not to Marry? Talks on 1st & 2nd Corinthians (Volume 3). By Priest Daniel Sysoev. Softcover, 156 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, 1st Edition, 2016. Size: 4 3/4" x 6...
A Trace in the Sand, A Tale of the Early Martyrs. For young adults.
Softcover, 191 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 2nd Printing, 2015. Size: 5 1/4" x 8 1/4" ISBN: 9781887904148
Traditions of the Healing Church. Exploring the Orthodox Faith. By Nun Katherine Weston. Foreword by Theodore Nottingham.
Softcover, 36 pages. Publisher: Weston Counseling Publications, 2017. Size: 6" x 9" ISBN: 978-0-9983906-1-1
Traveling Companions. Walking with the Saints of the Church. By Christopher Moorey. A comprehensive collection of brief lives of Saints. Softcover, 290 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing - Conciliar Press, 1st...
Treasure-house of Mysteries, Explorations of the Sacred Text Through Poetry in the Syriac Tradition. Translated by Sebastian Brock.
Softcover, 306 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 2012. Size: 5" x 7 1/4" ISBN: 9780881414219
A Treasury of the Holy Hierarch & Wonder-Worker Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod. A Compilation Translated from Various Sources. Containing His Life, Glorification, Holy and Memorable Objects, as Well as Select...
The Trial of Job. Orthodox Christian Reflections on The Book of Job. By Patrick Henry Reardon. Softcover, 107 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing - Conciliar Press, 1st Edition, 2005. Size: 5 1/2"...
Truly Human, Recovering Your Humanity in a Broken World. By Kevin Scherer.
Softcover, 156 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2017. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" ISBN: 9781944967055
The Truth of Our Faith. Volume One. Discourses from Holy Scripture on the Tenets of Christian Orthodoxy. By Elder Cleopa of Romania. Softcover, 254 pages. Publisher: Uncut Mountain Press, 4th Printing, 2022. Size:...
The Truth of Our Faith. Volume Two. Discourses from Holy Scripture on the Christian Mysteries. By Elder Cleopa of Romania. Softcover, 136 pages. Publisher: Uncut Mountain Press, 1st Edition, 2006-2013. Size: 5...
Turning East. Contemporary Philosophers and the Ancient Christian Church. Edited by Rico Vitz.
Softcover, 369 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st Printed, 2012. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" ISBN: 9780881414158
Two Become One. An Orthodox Christian Guide to Engagement and Marriage. By Fr. Antonios Kaldas and Ireni Attia. Softcover, 221 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2018. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"...
Two Epistles of St. Patrick the Bishop. Translation and Notes by Patricia Colling Egan. This is a companion volume to I, Patricius, The Roman History of an Irish Saint, also by Patricia Colling...
An Unbroken Circle. Linking Ancient African Christianity to the African American Experience. Softcover, 193 pages. Publisher: CSB Publishing - The Brotherhood of St. Moses the Black, 1st Edition, 1997. Size: 6" x...
The Unrivaled Protectress. Introduction and a closing poem by St. Nektarios. Fifteen selected miracles of the Theotokos spanning the centuries retold in engaging short stories. Stapled Softcover, 56 pages. Publisher: Saint Nektarios...
The Virgin Mary in Holy Icons and Stories. By Athanasia Papademetriou. 79 full color icon prints, and the stories and histories of each icon. Includes icons from Greece, Russia, the Holy...
A Visual Catechism of the Orthodox Church. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. For small children, for those preparing for Baptism and for adults who want to consolidate what they know. Softcover,...
Wade in the River, The Story of the African Christian Faith. By Father Paisius Altschul. With a Foreward by Albert J. Raboteau. Softcover, 242 pages. Publisher: CSB Publishing, 1st Edition, 2001. Size:...
Walking with Moses. Forty Lessons from the Life of the Lawgiver. By Lawrence R. Farley.
Softbound, 226 pages. Publisher: St. Tikhon's Press, 1st Edition, 2020. Size: 5 1/4" x 8 1/2" ISBN: 9781732852273
The Watchful Mind. Teachings on the Prayer of the Heart. By a Monk of Mount Athos. Translated by George Dokos. Softcover, 236 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st Printing, 2014. Size: 5 1/2"...
The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way. Translated by Helen Bacovcin. Foreward by Walter J. Ciszek, S. J. Softcover, 207 pages. Publisher: Random House. Size: 5 1/2" x...
The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way. Translated by Olga Savin. Foreward by Father Thomas Hopko. Softcover, 248 pages. Publisher: Shambhala Classics., Reprint of 2001 Edition. Size: 6"...
Way of the Ascetics. By Tito Colliander.
Softcover, 110 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 1st printed by SVS Press in 1985. Size: 5" x 7 1/4" ISBN: 9780881410495
We Came, We Saw, We Converted. The Lighter Side of Orthodoxy in America. From the Perpetrator of Orthodixie, Fr. Joseph Huneycutt. Softcover, 227 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing - Conciliar Press,...
We Pray. By Daniel C. Opperwall. Illustrated by Jelena and Marko Grbic.
Hardcover, 32 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2017. Size: 8" x 8" ISBN: 9781944967208
We Shall See Him As He Is. By Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov).
Softcover, 237 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 3rd Printing, 2021. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" ISBN: 9781887904131