Enthroned Mother of God

Enthroned Mother of God. Russian Orthodox Icon.


#1038 - L (5" x 7⅝" on ¾" wood).  

Icons manufactured by a Russian supplier using their proprietary process of applying successive layers of color and metallic-like patterns resulting in a brilliant, detailed, and nearly three dimensional appearance. 

Icon inscriptions in Church Slavonic.

Enthroned Mother of God

Enthroned Mother of God

Enthroned Mother of God


Enthroned Mother of God. Russian Orthodox Icon.


#1038 - L (5" x 7⅝" on ¾" wood).  

Icons manufactured by a Russian supplier using their proprietary process of applying successive layers of color and metallic-like patterns resulting in a brilliant, detailed, and nearly three dimensional appearance. 

Icon inscriptions in Church Slavonic.