Travelling Triptych Nicholas

Travelling Triptych with the Smolensk Mother of God, Christ and Saint Nicholas of Myra. Russian Orthodox Icon. This icon does not fold but has a self-adhesive strip on the back for mounting, for example, on your car dashboard.


#371 - S (3½" x 1¾" on ½" wood). 

Icons manufactured by a Russian supplier using their proprietary process of applying successive layers of color and metallic-like patterns resulting in a brilliant, detailed, and nearly three dimensional appearance.

Icon inscriptions in Church Slavonic.

Travelling Triptych Nicholas

Travelling Triptych Nicholas

Travelling Triptych Nicholas


Travelling Triptych with the Smolensk Mother of God, Christ and Saint Nicholas of Myra. Russian Orthodox Icon. This icon does not fold but has a self-adhesive strip on the back for mounting, for example, on your car dashboard.


#371 - S (3½" x 1¾" on ½" wood). 

Icons manufactured by a Russian supplier using their proprietary process of applying successive layers of color and metallic-like patterns resulting in a brilliant, detailed, and nearly three dimensional appearance.

Icon inscriptions in Church Slavonic.