God's Love and God's Will. How to Inherit Eternal Life, Volume 1. By Priest Daniel Sysoev. Translated by Priest Nathan Williams. Stapled Softcover, 46 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, Daniel Sysoev Inc, New...
The Sunflower. Conforming the Will of Man to the Will of God. By St. John of Tobolsk. Translated from the Russian by Nicholas Kotar. Softcover, 342 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 1st...
Saint Veronica. An Eastern Orthodox Historical Overview and Liturgical Service. By Veronica Hughes.
Stapled Softcover, 34 pages. Publisher: Pearl Orthodox Christian Publishing, First published in 2017. Size: 8 1/2 x 11"  ISBN: 978-1973980391
I Live Again. A Memoir of Ileana, Princess of Romania, Archduchess of Austria.Â
Softcover, 400 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 1st Edition, 2018. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9781944967475
Beautiful Things, An Orthodox Coloring Book for Children. Illustrated by Megan Elizabeth Gilbert.
Softcover, 64 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 1st Edition, 2018. Size: 7 1/4" x 10"  ISBN: 9781944967420
Saint John of Kronstadt. By I. K. Sursky. Translated from the Russian by Holy Transfiguration Monastery. This book was originally published in serialized form in The True Vine from 1990...
Ordinary Wonders. Stories of Unexpected Grace. By Olesia Nikolaeva. Translated by Alexandra Weber.
Softcover, 303 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 1st Edition, 2018. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9780884654230
The Romanovs Under House Arrest. From the 1917 Diary of a Palace Priest. The Diary of Archpriest Afanasy I. Belyaev. Translated from the Russian by Protodeacon Leonid Michailitschenko. Historical Setting,...
The Epistles and the Apocalypse. Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament. Volume 3. By Archbishop Averky (Taushev). Hardcover, 370 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 2nd Printing, 2020. Size: 7" x...
The Heart of the World. Raven Son: Book Three. By Nicholas Kotar.
Softcover, 430 pages. Publisher: Waystone Press, 2018. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 978-0-9988479-5-5
Two Become One. An Orthodox Christian Guide to Engagement and Marriage. By Fr. Antonios Kaldas and Ireni Attia. Softcover, 221 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2018. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"...
A Song in the Furnace. The Message of the Book of Daniel. By Lawrence R. Farley.
Softcover, 244 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2018. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9781944967314
If You Love Me. Serving Christ and the Church in Spirit and Truth. By Matthew the Poor. Translated by James Helmy. Softcover, 158 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2018. Size: 5 1/2"...
Everything Tells Us About God. Inspired by a story told by Fr. Thomas Hopko. By Katherine Bolger Hyde. Illustrations by Livia Coloji. Hardcover, 30 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2018. Size: 8...
Everyday Wonders Stories of God's Providence. By V. Rev. Michael J. Oleksa.
Softcover, 141 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2018. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9781944967352
Cancer, My Love. By Mioara Grigore. Translated from the Romanian by Oana Michael and Simona Irime. Softcover, 276 pages. Publisher: St. Herman Press, 1st Edition, 2018. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"...
The Last Judgement. Explanation of Selected Psalms, Part 4. By Priest Daniel Sysoev.
Softcover, 138 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, Moscow, 2018. Size: 4 3/4" x 6 3/4"  ISBN: 9785427900723
Another World. Explanation of Selected Psalms, Part 3. By Priest Daniel Sysoev.
Softcover, 124 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, Moscow, 2018. Size: 4 3/4" x 6 3/4"  ISBN: 9785427900716
Beneath the Shelter of the Most High. Explanation of Selected Psalms, Part 2. By Priest Daniel Sysoev.
Softcover, 123 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, Moscow, 2018. Size: 4 3/4" x 6 3/4"  ISBN: 9785427900709
Blessed is the Man. Explanation of Selected Psalms, Part 1. By Priest Daniel Sysoev.
Softcover, 124 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, Moscow, 2018. Size: 4 3/4" x 6 3/4"  ISBN: 9785427900692
Akathist to the Mother of God Pantanassa, Healer of Cancer.
Stapled Softcover, 32 pages. Publisher: St. Paisius Monastery, 3rd Printing, Reprinted with new cover, 2017. Size: 4 3/4" x 6 1/2" Â
The Spiritual Life And How to Be Attuned to It. By St. Theophan the Recluse.
Softcover, 319 pages. Publisher: St. Paisius Monastery, 4th Edition, 2017. Size 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9780972995610
Traditions of the Healing Church. Exploring the Orthodox Faith. By Nun Katherine Weston. Foreword by Theodore Nottingham.
Softcover, 36 pages. Publisher: Weston Counseling Publications, 2017. Size: 6" x 9" ISBN: 978-0-9983906-1-1
Race, Identity and Reconciliation. Second Edition. By Nun Katherine Weston. Foreword by Prof. Albert J. Raboteau.
Softcover, 67 pages. Publisher: Weston Counseling Publications, 2017. Size: 6" x 9" ISBN: 978-0-9983906-2-8
Illumining Shame, Anger, and Forgiveness. By Nun Katherine Weston. Foreword by Deacon Stephen Muse, PhD.
Softcover, 80 pages. Publisher: Weston Counseling Publications, 2018. Size: 6" x 9" ISBN: 978-0-9983906-3-5
The Three Holy Youths in the Furnace. Old Testament Stories for Children. By Mother Melania. Illustrations by Bonnie Gillis. Ages Preschool and Up. Softcover, 24 pages. Publisher: Holy Assumption Monastery. Size: 8...
Moses and the Burning Bush. Old Testament Stories for Children. By Mother Melania. Illustrations by Bonnie Gillis.
Softcover, 24 pages. Publisher: Holy Assumption Monastery. Size: 8 1/4" x 6"  ISBN: 9781946991010
The Acts of the Apostles. Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament. Volume II. By Archbishop Averky (Taushev). Hardcover, 134 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 2nd Printing, 2020. Size: 7" x...
The Curse of the Raven, Raven Son: Book Two. By Nicholas Kotar.
Softcover, 96 pages. Publisher: Waystone Press, 2017. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 978-0-9988479-2-4
Sasha and the Dragon. By Laura E. Wolfe. Illustrated by Nicholas Malara.
Hardcover, 32 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 1st Edition, 2017. Size: 8 1/4" x 10 1/4"  ISBN: 9781944967277
In Christ I am a New Creation. Part 1. By Veronica Hughes. Softcover, 233 pages. Publisher: Pearl Orthodox Christian Publishing, Copyright 2015, but first published in 2017. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN:...
Building an Orthodox Marriage. A Practical Commentary on the Eastern Orthodox Marriage Rite. By John Abdalah and Nicholas G. Mamey. Softcover, 132 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, 2017. Size: 5 1/2" x 8...
Father Arseny. Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father. New Edition, 2021.
Softcover, 280 pages. Publisher: SVS Press, Revised Edition with new foreward, 2020.  Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9780881416756
Alexander Schmorell. Saint of the German Resistance. By Elena Perekrestov.
Softcover, 216 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 2017. Size: 5" x 7"  ISBN: 9780884654216
Service Book Sluzhebnik. The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints John Chrystomom. Slavonic/English.
Hardbound, 287 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 5th Edition, 2022. Size: 4" x 6 1/4"  ISBN: 9780884654841
Explanation of the Apocalypse. by Priest Daniel Sysoev.
Softcover, 362 pages. Publisher: Mission Center, 1st Edition, 2017. Size: 5 1/2" x 8"   ISBN: 9785427900685
The Great Canon, Saint Andrew of Crete, with the Life of St. Mary of Egypt (New Edition). Staplebound, 96 pages. Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 3rd Printing, 2020. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN:...
The Departure of the Soul According to the Teaching of the Orthodox Church. A Patristic Anthology. Master Reference Edition. Hardcover, 1112 pages. 216 full-color pages of iconography. Publisher: St. Anthonys Monastery, 2nd...
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy. Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape. By Andrew Stephen Damick. Revised and Expanded Edition. Softcover, 415 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2017 Revised and...
Truly Human, Recovering Your Humanity in a Broken World. By Kevin Scherer.
Softcover, 156 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2017. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  ISBN: 9781944967055
The Sweetness of Grace, Stories of Christian Trial and Victory. By Constantina R. Palmer.
Softcover, 284 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing, 2017. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9781944967048
Evlogeite! A Pilgrim's Guide to Greece. Newly revised and expanded. Updated directions. Now featuring Greece's recently canonized saints and additional historic sites. Maps, color and black and white photos. By...
Pascha at the Duckpond. The Fearless and Friends series. By Mother Melania. Illustrations by Cayce Halsell. Ages 4 - 9 Years. Softcover, 36 pages. Publisher: Holy Assumption Monastery. Size: 8" x 8"  ISBN:...
Hear Me, A Prayerbook for Orthodox Young Adults. Compiled and edited by Annalisa Boyd.
Softcover, 144 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing - Conciliar Press, 2nd Edition, 2016. Size: 4" x 6"  ISBN: 9781936270576