Saint Moses the Ethiopian by Fr. Jerome Sanderson.
Softcover, 47 pages. Publisher: CSB Publishing, 2nd Printing of 1st Edition, 2002. Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 0-916700-54-2
St. Seraphim's Beatitudes. Blessings for Our Path to Heaven. Based on the Life of the Wonderworker of Sarov. Illustrations by Paul Drozdowski. Text by Priest Daniel Marshall. Hardcover, 32 pages. Publisher:...
Stories from the Gerontikon. Text and Illustrations by Christos Gousidis.
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Stubborn Love, A Story of Saint Maria of Paris, by Rheta Thola, Illustrated by Mike Stonelake.
Softcover, 128 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing.  Size: 6" x 9"  ISBN: 9781955890724
Sweet Song, A Story of Saint Romanos the Melodist, by Jane G Meyer, Illustrated by Dorrie Papademetriou. Softcover edition.
Softcover, 32 pages. Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing.Size: 8" x 10"  ISBN: 9781944967482
The Tale of the Dirty Donkey. By Yulia Sysoeva. Illustrated by Anna Kiseleva. Book 3 from the "Be a Brilliant Child" Series. Stapled Softcover, 20 pages. Publisher: Daniel Sysoev Inc, 2019. Size: 9"...
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Two Friends at Panagia Tsampika on Rhodes. By Eleni Stati-Lephaki. Illustrated by Ageliki Delecha. Stapled Softcover, 27 pages. Publisher: Athos Children's Books, 1st Edition, 2011. Size: 8 1/8" x 11 3/8"  ISBN:...
A Visual Catechism of the Orthodox Church. By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. For small children, for those preparing for Baptism and for adults who want to consolidate what they know. Softcover,...
We Pray. By Daniel C. Opperwall. Illustrated by Jelena and Marko Grbic.
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Where is God? Board book. By Dimitri Kepreotes. Illustrated by Vladimir Ilievski.Â
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Youth of the Apocalypse and the Last True Rebellion. by Justin Marler. Softcover, 185 pages. Publisher: Big White Star, 2nd Edition, 2024. Size: 6" x 9" ISBN: 9798218391027 Customers in UK, Australia and...