Enthroned Mother of God Kiev

Enthroned Mother of God with Saints of Kiev. Russian Orthodox Icon.  This icon Includes Archangel Michael above with two angels of the Lord on the side and Saints Boris and Gleb, Metropolitans Constantine and Vladimir of Kiev, Princess Olga and Great Prince Vladimir, Great Prince Igor, Saint Barbara, and Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves Monastery.


#775 - M (3½" x 4½" on ⅝" wood). 
#1203 - L (6¾" x 9⅜" on ¾" wood).  

Icons manufactured by a Russian supplier using their proprietary process of applying successive layers of color and metallic-like patterns resulting in a brilliant, detailed, and nearly three dimensional appearance.

Icon inscriptions in Church Slavonic.

Enthroned Mother of God Kiev

Enthroned Mother of God Kiev

Enthroned Mother of God Kiev


Enthroned Mother of God with Saints of Kiev. Russian Orthodox Icon.  This icon Includes Archangel Michael above with two angels of the Lord on the side and Saints Boris and Gleb, Metropolitans Constantine and Vladimir of Kiev, Princess Olga and Great Prince Vladimir, Great Prince Igor, Saint Barbara, and Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves Monastery.


#775 - M (3½" x 4½" on ⅝" wood). 
#1203 - L (6¾" x 9⅜" on ¾" wood).  

Icons manufactured by a Russian supplier using their proprietary process of applying successive layers of color and metallic-like patterns resulting in a brilliant, detailed, and nearly three dimensional appearance.

Icon inscriptions in Church Slavonic.